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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Spirit of Entrepreneurship

Most basic capital to entrepreneurs is the determination and courage to take and calculate risk. Without this, given the capital amounted to anything, will never become an entrepreneur. If we had such courage, we gave a chance how to manage a business well
This sentence made by Mr. Handito Joewono, Chairman of the Standing Committee of Education, Training, and Internships in the live event Kadin Indonesia Metro TV Special cooperation Higher Education Dialogue. Also featured as speakers in this event: Director General of Higher Education, Mr. Jalal and Mr. Agus Fasli Windarto, Lecturer of ITS.
According to Mr. Anggito to see the enthusiasm of the Indonesian students are actively involved in creating and displaying the best proposal to compete in the entrepreneurship program developed by the Higher Education student, convinces us that a lot of businessmen who will.
  "Moreover, this is a model of knowledge-based entrepreneurship and creativity. Ideas into their capital and money is only a bridge just said Mr. Agus Windarto.
It was nearly ten thousand students involved in student entrepreneurship package Dikti. This means that packets are competitive and it is estimated one in fifteen.
Mr Fasli said student entrepreneurship program that was started by the Higher Education is in the context of giving experiences and calculate the courage to take risks. "This also is in order to ensure fulfillment of the requirement of two years entrepreneurial experience, to gain regular access to capital" added the Mr. Fasli
Students have a clear plan, so that the business grows and funds continue to roll. To ensure sustainability, according to Director General there are colleges that put stock in an effort initiated by students. Some make one model, that for which it is successful will return the money into one place outside of government funds and used to help other students.
After two years of trying to do and develops according to the Director General will open the possibility of access to banking. "Bank Indonesia in some areas have been asked to banking circles that the 40 million packages entrepreneurship received by a team of entrepreneurial students can be assessed as 30 per cent equity. If running the banking business could come in with 70 per cent of shares of capital ".

Source: Dikti, accessed on July, 6, 2010

1 comment:

teguh zein said...

memang menjadi orang yang enterpreuneur sangatlah tidak mudah,tetapi Mr. Jalal Mr Agus Fasli Windarto telah membuktikan semngatnya untuk membangun anak bangsa menjadi seoarang yang termotivasi akan hal-hal yang positif. begitu banyak program didalam membangun soarang enterpreuneur,itu bagus untuk kita terutama anak anak muda untuk kita jadi mengerti dunia bisnis dan membangun perekonomian yang baik sehingga kita dapat pula menjadi seoarang inspirator untuk generasi berikutnya.