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Friday, August 27, 2010

Linguistic devices (Part 1)

Linguistic devices
Like most languages in the world, Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia) written in Latin characters. There are two known forms of the Latin alphabet, ie roman and italic letters. Latin characters can be displayed in a thin, thick and capital.
Roman letters always stand up straight so that the handwriting is so often referred to as "printed". In the world of printing and typing this letter shapes that always used the principle of obedience. Unless otherwise specified, roman letters (especially those who look skinny), almost always can be used for anything else.
Italics, or italic known, is shown in italic letters and shapes, such as handwriting. Italics are also called cursive letters. If typed or handwritten, the slope is marked by a single bottom line. Italics are used in the nine following:
1. Foreign words and phrases in many languages to survive spelling: ad hoc, et al, in vitro
2. Constants and variables that are unknown in mathematics. For example (x, y, l)
3. Name of ship or satellite. For example KRI Macan Tutul, Apollo 11
4. The word or term that was introduced for a special discussion, for example kakas, citraan
5. The word or phrase that is emphasized, for example ... it is not justified (hal itu tidak dibenarkan)
6. notice of cross-references in the index: see (lihat), see also (lihat juga)
7. Titles of books or periodicals mentioned in the article body: Biological
8. Artificial sounds: From the nest of the bird's chirping sound tu-ju-pu-lu-tu-ju-pu-lu
9. scientific names, such as genus, species, varieties and form creature: Salacca zalacca var, amboinese. however, the scientific name of taxon above genus level was not written with italic letters: Felidae, Moraceae, Mucorales.

Thus we learn the material this time I publish on my Distance Learning Business and Management blogs, hopefully we can continue on a future occasion.


jaenal arifin said...

Manual of Style (Print Italic) aims to make it easier to read by following a consistent way of writing. One way is often just as good in other ways, but if everyone followed the same style or style, will feel more comfortable to read, use, and concluded. In addition of course to be more easily written and edited.

Italics can be used for several things, Among them:

Italics are used for titles of literature and art. Titles of articles, chapters, or short work of other woods italics are not given, but are enclosed in double quotes.

Foreign term
Use italics for phrases in other languages and for foreign language words that have not been used in general in the Indonesian language. Use absorption spelling for these words, or use the original spelling if they use the Latin alphabet (with or without diacritic). For example: "Read the writing in Japanese requires an understanding of hiragana, katakana, kanji, and sometimes romaji".
Absorption words or phrases that have common usage in the Indonesian language - for example samurai, century, literature - do not require italics. As a guideline, do not give italics for the words contained in the Indonesian dictionary. Use language carefully, and include the original spelling in non-Latin alphabet in parentheses. The original spelling in non-Latin scripts (such as Greek or Cyrillic alphabet) should not be italicized at all, even if technically feasible.

Besides Translation Use these Italic Font Print I want to add the use of italics, including:

Italics are mainly used to give emphasis on certain words, even though its use must be careful.
Use markup italics'', for example:
Italic text''.''
which produces:
Italic text.

Words as words
Use italics when writing about words as words or letters as letters to indicate differences in their use. Example:
• Dwi means two.
• The word literature derived from the Sanskrit word.
• The most frequently used letters in English is e.

jaenal arifin said...

Cetak miring dan kutipan
Jangan mencetak miring seluruh kutipan hanya karena itu adalah kutipan. Pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan metode lain seperti mengapit dengan tanda kutip ganda.
Gunakan cetak miring di dalam kutipan jika bahan sumber melakukannya, atau jika Anda ingin menambahkan penekanan. Pada kasus kedua, berikan catatan "[penekanan ditambahkan]" pada bagian akhir kutipan.
Jika sumber sendiri menggunakan cetak miring sebagai penekanan, dan Anda ingin menekankan bahwa penekanan tersebut berasal dari sumber dan bukan dari Anda, Anda dapat menambahkan "[penekanan dari sumber]" setelah kutipan tersebut.

jaenal arifin said...

Italics and quotation
Do not print the whole quote just skewed because it is a quote. Consider using other methods such as flanking with double quotes.
Use italics in the quote if the source material to do it, or if you want to add emphasis. In the second case, give the note "[emphasis added]" at the end of the quote.
If the source itself using italics for emphasis, and you would like to stress that the emphasis is derived from sources and not from you, you can add "[emphasis from the source]" after the quote.

Toto adiwijaya said...

Wah maaf pak yg ini masih bingung ...harus belajar lebih dalam lagi sama bapak...