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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Horrible, many illegal firearms circulating in society

Horrible, many illegal firearms circulating in society

Some time later this increasingly rife Action robbery using firearms in various regions of the Republic of Indonesia. Reckless and egregious actions of the gunman that police have made plans to pull a firearm that is currently circulating in the community.

Then the question we are together, what is the exact number of firearms currently circulating widely in the community? According to Chief of Police Public Information Division, Commissioner of Police Large Marwoto Soeto, the number of firearms that have been circulating in the community received permission that number reached tens of thousands.

"This type of non-organic weapons that are allowed to use people for self-defense is a firearm 25 caliber pistols and revolvers, 32, and 22. The number is up to August was 17 983 pieces," said Marwoto at Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 25, 2010.

Marwoto added that firearms are circulating in civil society that is also owned by private security institutions. The numbers in the thousands. "Which is owned by institutions such as security guards, which reaches 4699 registered shoots," he conveys.

However, the number of guns in circulation much more than that registered in the Police. More than 18,000 pieces. "The number of firearms that can permit it, but it is not official, I do not know," he said.

According to him, the use of firearms by the public was allowed to defend themselves. Use it with a requirement under the organic standards of the Police. "Can I get a permit the use of weapons of origin under the standards Police," he said.
This news article I got from a source VIVAnews, I present in English with the aim of improving educational quality human resources in Indonesia, particularly in improving the ability in English.


jaenal arifin said...

Menurut berita yang saya tau dari koran kompas mengatakan saat itu pak banyak pemilik senjata yang belum memperpanjang masa aktif senjatanya, selain itu pemilik juga pindah domisili, bahkan ada juga yang sudah berpindah tangan dari pemiliknya alias di jual belikan , tapi klo ini terjadi berlarut larut tanpa ada tindakan tegas dari polri maka banyak orang - orang sipil yang mudah mengunkan dan mendapatkan senjata, maka tindak kejahatan di negeri ini semakain meningkat......

siti julaeha bahdim said...

hrs ada sanksi yg memberatkan org yg menggunakan senjata,dgn hukumn yg seberat2 nya...