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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Robbery incident with hypnotic mode in Bandar Lampung Indonesia

Some day I saw the news on television that is on TVOne, about a robbery incident with hypnotic mode. Television broadcast CCTV footage of robbery incident that occurred in Bandar Lampung in a very clear mini market.Seen on tape, there are some people who entered a supermarket in groups, then do a hypnotist to employees at the supermarket. As a result, the employees had become unconscious, so obey all the desire of these criminals. Flock criminals asked employees of mini market to spend money in the safe box, not only that, the criminals also took some stuff from his store.

I read the latest news on the internet aware that Metro Jaya Regional Police are still tracing herd suspected of committing a series of robberies with a hypnotic method some time ago in Bandar Lampung. They are citizens of foreign origin of Syria and Iran, named Memed Sahdi and Hedi Waridan. "Both men," said Head of Public Relations Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol. Boy Rafli Amar on Thursday, August 26, 2010.

While undergoing the process of police investigation, two suspects chose silence. "Still want to talk, do not acknowledge as existing players such as the CCTV footage. So, we still find out," as presented by the Boy. Meanwhile, a woman who suspects caught on CCTV camera wearing a white veil, still chased by the police. Its identity was known to the authorities. His name initials 'A'.
To be spared from evil hypnosis, we must continuously enhance our faith in God. For a Muslim, this can be done with the dhikr of Allah SWT always, pray and ask God Almighty that we should always be protected from harm. Dhikr is a personal shield for a Muslim. Indonesia Hot News so this time I publish on the blog of Business and Management Distance Learning


jaenal arifin said...

semoga kita semua trhindar dari prbutan2 org2 yg tdk bertanggung jawab
dan kita selalu semakin meningkatkan iman agar dpt trhndar dr prbuatan2 jahat dan dapat merusak akhlak kita sebagai muslim.

siti julaeha bahdim said...

apapun yg kita lakukan hrs berhati-hati & diikiti dgn iman...