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Friday, October 19, 2012

Introduction to Statistical Methodology

In the last several years, all social science (management is included) have seen an increase in the use of statistical methods. In management, it is known as statistical methods for management. There are many reasons for this. Research in the social (especially in management) has taken on a more quantitative orientation. Like research in other sciences , it is becoming more strongly and clearly oriented toward analyzing empirical data. Nowadays, the computer revolution (statistical sofrtware) has made a greater variety of information easily available to researchers as well as to students and general public. Computers have also made statistical methods themselves easier to use. Not just easier, it is also make statistics looks more simple to applied rather than the theory with some complicated equation. 
The increase in the use of statistics for social and management purposes, is evident in the changes in the content of articles published in major journals and reports prepared for use in government and private industry, and also for academic (universities), in the style of textbooks, and in the increasingly common requirement of academic department that their majors take course in statistics. Bogor Agricultural University  (Institut Pertanian Bogor/IPB), is one of famous university in Indonesia, that applied statistics in all majors, from Diploma untill graduate programs. IPB is famous as university with good statistical analysis, in any level and any major of faculty and deaprtment. 

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