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Monday, December 7, 2009


Recently I have no ideas to post something in my blogs, because I was so busy with some job in my office. I have to go travel to Bandung and Bogor to do my job, and that was really makes me so tired. Because of that to update my blogs, I just search on the internet about some interesting article and I found this article.
This article briefly reviews the state of the art in Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI), and give some description (describes) a test-case for in-flight fault diagnosis. The main concepts are recalled, the links between the approaches are indicated and the most promising methods are highlighted. The nonlinear models of the system, its sensors and actuators are described in the second part of the article, along with fault scenarios. Constraints restrict the approaches that are applicable on the test-case and suggest quantitative indicates that can be used to evaluate fault diagnosis strategies in an aeronautical context. This is the abstract of the article that I found it on the internet. I think this article is so useful to study and to know much more about how to write a nice article to International journal and to learn about Distance Learning in Business and Management, Distance Learning Management and Distance Learning Indonesia. This article has a conclusion like I write it below:
A survey of the main fault diagnosis approaches has been conducted in this paper. A classification according to the type of knowledge available has been proposed, and the links between apparently dissimilar techniques coming from different communities have been emphasized. We defined a test-case for in-flight FDI, based on an interceptor missile with a predetermined set of sensors and actuators with no hardware redundancy. The nonlinear models of the aircraft, its components and the faults affecting them were described in detail. Finally, methods to be further investigated along with the performance criteria to compare them were set forth.
These are a few references that used on this article:
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[18] S.M. Castillo, E.R. Gelso, and J. Armengol. Constraint satisfaction techniques under uncertain conditions for fault diagnosis in nonlinear dynamic systems. In 16th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation,, pages 1216–1221, 2008.
[19] M. Basseville and I.V. Nikiforov. Detection of Abrupt Changes: Theory and Application. Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993.
[20] M. Witczak. Modelling and Estimation Strategies for Fault Diagnosis of Non-Linear Systems: From Analytical to Soft Computing Approaches. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2007


Elsa said...

dont be too tired Pak...
ntar kalo sakit malah berabe!

admin999 said...

@mbak Elsa: makasih banget mbak, sudah silaturahim dan advice yg bijaksana.. iya nih mbak.. akhir2 ini saya harus sering bolak balik Bandung Bogor, maklumlah mbak saya sedang merintis karir menjadi dosen.. masih belajar mbak.. dan akan selalu belajar..

edwprazz said...

Hmm foto di atas bareng mahasiswanya ya Mas Budi? Menjadi pendidik merupakan tantangan, Mas Budi. Sukses ya ... :-)

edwprazz said...

Bogor Bandung berapa jam ya Mas? ^_^

admin999 said...

@Mas Edwin: iya mas.. itu saya "mejeng" bareng ama anak2 mhs.. bener banget mas bahwa masuk dalam profesi pendidik memang banyak banget tantangannya, khususnya di bidang tri dharma perguruan tinggi... btw Bogor Bandung sekarang lewat Cipularang lebih cepat mas dibandingkan lewat Puncak, 2-3 jam udah sampe.. bebas macet, klo lewat puncak sering macet di daerah cipanas

Lembaga Pelatihan said...

Artikelnya keren banget.. tentang apa? FDI itu apa..? Peace..
Free article banyak di internet namun kebanyakan adalah menitipkan link ke situs utama mereka. Peace

admin999 said...

@lembaga pelatihan: anda benar, memang sekarang banyak free article yg berfokus pada backlink, oleh karena itu artikel2 yg sy dapat di web biasanya diedit dulu, gak bulat2 di copy paste.. FDI itu Fault Detection and Isolation
Klo pengen tau lebih jelas baca dulu abstraknya trus kasih komentar lagi di sini yaaa.. peace juga
(Baca dulu baru comment : Mode On)

tooth whitening said...

wah mantab nie referensinya..mantab gan

alkatro said...

great post.. hmm.. perjuangan yang luar biasa; selamat mas.. semoga sehat selalu dan tetap semangat... :)